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NSW teachers defy umpire's order with anti-cap strike plan

NSW public school teachers will strike next Wednesday over "unmanageable" workloads and a "contemptuous" 2.04% salary cap proposed in the face of teacher shortages, with their union also warning that visits by State Government MPs will prompt walkouts.

WAN lockout over as workers vote on peace deal

The Perth-based newspaper group controlled by billionaire Kerry Stokes has struck an in-principle agreement with three unions, ending an 11-week lockout.

Coalition moderates major project deals policy

The Coalition has today revealed a pre-election compromise position on its long-held push for "life-of-project" agreements, which would have a maximum term of six years, down on the eight-year regime jettisoned from its IR Omnibus Bill, but unions say it amounts to another Government strategy to cap pay rises.

Federal cops union seeks wages cap exemption

The Australian Federal Police Association will use the national election campaign to push for its thousands of members to be exempted from the wages cap and efficiency dividend that applies across the APS.

Bonuses of up to 12% in public sector deal

The Australian Prudential Regulation Authority has struck a new enterprise agreement that provides one-off bonuses of 12%, as it moves away from performance-based rewards and seeks to retain employees in the highly-competitive financial services sector.

Health workers add momentum to campaign to bust NSW pay cap

Striking NSW paramedics and hospital workers will on Thursday add to mounting pressure on the Perrottet Government to ditch its 2.5% cap on public sector pay rises, deliver a significant catch-up increase, update awards and open up productivity-based bargaining.

Full court backs Qantas approach to stand downs

A full Federal Court has upheld findings that Qantas and Jetstar had no reasonable choice but to stand down hundreds of engineers due to coronavirus-driven events outside their control, but one member of the bench has warned that an incorrect interpretation of "stoppage of work" has been allowed to stand.

No guarantee of gold in mine deal: AWU

Workers employed by a major West Australian gold miner have overwhelmingly endorsed a new four-year enterprise deal despite the AWU opposing it because it fails to guarantee annual pay increases.

FWO wins initial numbers game against Woolworths

The Federal Court has applied the "precautionary principle" in accepting the FWO's view on the process for calculating underpayments for 19,000 salaried Woolworths employees, while it has also indicated that jointly managing the matter with a similar Coles case "would be useful".