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Burke warns FWC of potential employer rush to axe deals

Workplace Relations Minister Tony Burke has today written to FWC President Iain Ross to advise of "impending" legislative changes that will prevent employers using terminations as a bargaining tactic.

FWC member gets hands-on in deal termination bid

The FWC has approved the termination of a small business's agreement after a tribunal member took the rare step of inviting workers to attend a teleconference where he spelled out the implications of reverting to the award.

NSW threat vindicates Burke anti-axe stance: Unions

Unions say an "eleventh hour" NSW Government ultimatum to seek to terminate deals covering train workers unless they call off all protected action by tomorrow afternoon is a clear example of the type of action that federal IR Minister Tony Burke will not support.

Things hotting up as employer goes to court over contentious deal

An employer has appealed to the Federal Court to quash FWC orders requiring five individuals to appear before a Commission full bench next week to address concerns over their role in the approval of its current agreement.

ACTU, COSBOA make deal on multi-employer bargaining

In a breakthrough for the ACTU ahead of this week's Jobs and Skills Summit, the Council of Small Business has agreed to support multi-employer agreements, while the two will also work together to achieve "new options" for workplace flexibility.

Qantas contracting-out threat secures deal: Union

The AIPA says Qantas pilots have voted up, under threat of outsourcing, a newly-approved agreement variation that permits the flying kangaroo to apply existing fatigue rules for jets that fly six hours to its new generation Airbus A321XLRs that can be in the air for 11 hours.

Apple's proposed deal rotten to the core: Unions

Unions are accusing Apple of trying to ram through a deal that could have employees working up to 60 hours a week without overtime, with the ASU and the SDA calling for more time to consult and RAFFWU seeking 5% a year and to claw back alleged underpayments.

No bias in questioning HR chief's actions: FWC bench

An employer has been given a final chance to respond without compulsion to concerns about a recently-approved deal, after a FWC bench dismissed an "unusual" application for it to recuse itself over perceived bias.

FWC set to publish "real-time" agreement wages data

The FWC has promised today to provide "real-time" data on bargained pay rises, with plans to issue fortnightly reports on wage movements in enterprise agreement approval applications, with the first "proposed report" showing a 3.2% average annualised rise in the first two weeks of July, well ahead of the last official departmental number for the March quarter of 2.7%.