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1231 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreements

FWC asked to ignite slow-burning BHP negotiations

The CFMMEU's mining division has asked the FWC to intervene after almost two years of fruitless bargaining for enterprise agreements covering internal labour hire companies run by BHP's Operations Services.

Aldi owes employees for unpaid pre-shift "work": Court

The SDA says Aldi will have to pay up to $10 million to about 4000 warehouse workers nationally while also facing potential fines after a court found pre-shift tasks required at a western Sydney distribution centre constitute work.

Telstra technicians cannot knock back shiftwork: Tribunal

The FWC has in upholding Telstra's right to trim costs by changing shift arrangements for its most experienced technicians suggested it review its HR practices to avoid confusion when such variations are made in future.

First FWC "real-time" data shows agreement wages rising 3%

The FWC's new leading indicator of bargained wage rises - officially launched today - shows that deals lodged in the first half of last month paid an average increase of 3%, up on those in the most recent DEWR data.

Taxpayers' bill for Ovato liquidation rises after tribunal ruling

A long-serving former employee of a company that deliberately restructured to offload severance obligations onto the publicly-funded FEG scheme has had his redundancy payout substantially increased, after the AAT ruled that a "grand chapel" deal with the AMWU "grandfathered" generous provisions in an earlier enterprise agreement.

Coal strike threat after protracted BHP bargaining talks

The CFMMEU's mining & energy division is seeking authorisation from members to take industrial action as it pursues the replacement of the biggest enterprise agreement in the Queensland coalfields, after losing patience with BHP in FWC-brokered negotiations.

ACTU urges One Nation to drop labour hire bill

The ACTU has urged One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts to abandon his private member's bill that seeks to have labour hire workers under certain awards paid the same as those directly-employed and to instead try to achieve his aims through the "same job, same pay" provisions in Labor's promised legislative amendments.

Resource sector seeks to tease-out unions' multi-employer plans

Resource sector employers have made an apparently unsuccessful attempt to have unions flesh-out the scope of their multi-employer bargaining proposal, while the peak body for direct marketing companies has renewed its longstanding sectoral deal.

No strikes in support of multi-employer deals: DEWR

The Albanese Government's multi-employer bargaining regime will focus on low-paid workers and will not permit sector-wide or industry-wide strikes, according to documents tabled in the Senate.