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1226 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Agreements

Union celebrates "significant" pay hike for Qantas workers

The ASU says it has secured big wins in a newly-approved Qantas deal after the Flying Kangaroo agreed to backdated 3% annual pay rises, an additional 3.6% from last week for a majority, greater roster stability and no outsourcing of members' ground handling work, though it will shift about 850 "senior professionals" onto individual contracts.

FWC "condemns" union's off-limits analysis of deal

A senior FWC member has continued to resist CFMMEU intercession in the approval of non-union deals, condemning it for straying beyond his direction that it confine its submissions on a demolition company's rollover agreement to a BOOT assessment.

Long-haul flights squeezed as Qantas, pilots square off

The Federal Court will weigh into a stoush between Qantas and the AIPA over whether the union is unreasonably withholding permission to allocate newly-recruited pilots to its A380 super-jumbos, with the FWC staying a similar dispute over the airline's ability to appoint them if it already has enough bids from its current cohort of more senior flight crew.

Arbitration threat will bring parties to table: Lawyer

A leading labour law academic has told an IR conference that expanding the FWC's power to arbitrate agreement negotiations will be "the single biggest challenge" posed by the Secure Jobs changes, while the head of a peak state employer group's law firm says it is the "Damoclesean threat of the sword" that will bring people to the table.

NTEU threatening to escalate Victorian industrial action

NTEU members have voted to escalate industrial action, including another state-wide strike, if Victorian universities maintain their refusal to of union demands to replace most casual jobs with permanent positions.

Unconscious bias ruling upheld on appeal

Victoria's appeal court has upheld a ruling that an employer treated a manager unfavourably because of her s-x, when it ignored her repeated attempts to negotiate over-agreement pay rates, despite affording higher rates to male colleagues.

Bench slams gate on extra duties

In a decision closely examining when employees can be directed to perform extra duties, a FWC full bench has ruled that a maintenance worker could refuse to remotely monitor an automated gate at a gas supplier's facility.

No pay for pre-shift RATs under aged care deal: FWC

In a decision shedding further light on whether workers should be paid if instructed to conduct COVID-19 rapid antigen tests at home or prior to a shift, the FWC has held an aged care agreement lacks any provision to pay staff for testing at a time of their choosing.

Hot Wok costs rejected as judge ponders "pessimistic" approach

A Federal Court judge has speculated that he might have been "overly pessimistic" when he rejected suggestions that a FWC full bench displayed bias when sharing with parties its concerns about an already-approved agreement.