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721 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Case law

Court upholds majority support order bid at Resmed

The AMWU has fought off another challenge to its representation of workers at a high-tech respiratory equipment manufacturer, after the Federal Court upheld the Fair Work Commission's power to issue a majority support determination.

Coles clears another hurdle to single retail deal

Coles Supermarkets is a step closer to putting to ballot a single retail deal covering 80,000 workers, after the Fair Work Commission comprehensively rejected a TWU scope order application for online delivery drivers, finding they were an "integrated and integral part" of the company's retail operations.

Full bench knocks back BOOT appraisal

An FWC full bench has emphasised that the tribunal should take a "global" rather than "line by line" approach when applying the better off overall test to agreements, while in another ruling the Commission has approved a deal with employer undertakings, despite union misgivings that it was originally voted up by only three employees who have since left the company.

Nursing union triumphs in long-running agreement saga

A Federal Court full bench has today ruled that the Fair Work Commission was entitled to approve enterprise agreements covering three private hospitals, even though their agent made and signed them without "actual" authority.

FWC rejects "voluntary overtime" agreement

A senior member of the Fair Work Commission has knocked back an enterprise agreement containing a voluntary additional hours provision lodged by a labour hire company with a workforce of casuals on working holiday visas.

Start-up agreement coverage "fair" but fails BOOT

There is nothing inherently wrong with a "start up" business making with a small group of workers an enterprise agreement that will later cover a much larger number and a wider range of jobs, but it will need to pass the "better off overall test" for those future employees as well as the existing ones, a FWC full bench has confirmed.

FWC orders UFU to ditch unconstitutional claims

The Fair Work Commission has found that the United Firefighters Union is not bargaining in good faith in pressing Victoria's Country Fire Authority to agree to minimum staffing levels in enterprise bargaining negotiations, and has ordered the union to drop the claims.

Bench delivers big award coverage win for Coles

A Federal Court full bench has upheld a finding that the main retail award applies to delivery drivers employed by the online arm of supermarket giant Coles.

CFMEU wins majority support determination for senior employees

Alcoa Australia has been ordered to bargain with the CFMEU for an enterprise agreement to cover 15 power supply operators at its regional Victorian plant after the Fair Work Commission granted the union a majority support determination.