Case law page 66 of 72

720 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Case law

Employer entitled to stop paying weekend road tolls

An employer’s decision to change e-tag and toll usage policies for private usage of company cars, taken after an internal review revealed excessive spending on weekends and public holidays, has been upheld by the FWC.

Bench shuts down employer strategy to stymie strikes

A FWC full bench has rejected an employer's bid to block protected industrial action, confirming that its invalid notice of employee representational rights didn't knock out a union's protected action ballot application.

Rail union shunted out of the Pilbara

The FWC has ruled that the Rail Tram & Bus Union is not entitled to represent the industrial interests of members covered by a new agreement for the maintenance contractor serving Fortescue Metals Group's rail operations in the Pilbara.

Tug company merges three agreements into one

Tug operator Svitzer has moved to a single national agreement, after the FWC rejected objections from one of three unions that the company had unfairly selected the employees to be covered.

FWC accepts PC report as submission not evidence; & more

FWC accepts PC report as submission rather than evidence; Heerey report due at end of month; Patrick talks continuing; Productivity portfolio dropped in Turnbull's reshuffle; and MUA tells members not to respond to FWO overtures.

Bench says law must keep pace with technological change

An FWC full bench has today overruled a decision that an employer breached good faith bargaining obligations when it insisted on conducting enterprise agreement negotiations by teleconference rather than face-to-face meetings.

Bid to save "small rainforest" derails labour hire agreement

An FWC presidential member has expressed "wonder" at having to reject an agreement for a major labour hire company that turned the simple process of providing employees with a bargaining representation notice into a "debacle".

Sydney ferries deal arrives after difficult passage

The FWC has for the second time approved an agreement covering the main Sydney Harbour ferry service workforce after dismissing the motivation for a belated scope order bid for masters and engineers as "little more than petty elitism rather than any genuine unfairness".