Case law page 65 of 72

720 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Case law

FWC refuses bargaining orders despite union "undermining" bargaining

The FWC has agreed with three WA universities that an NTEU notice misled members and undermined collective bargaining, but it has decided against issuing good faith bargaining orders because the union "set the record straight" despite refusing to retract its statement or admit error.

Bench rules agreement should cover union bargaining agent

An employer's bid to lock the CFMEU out of its agreement's coverage due to an "oversight" has led to a full bench overturning previous authorities that would have generated an "irrational" result.

Employer's bargaining notice error sinks agreement

An employer has had its agreement rejected after failing to convince the Fair Work Commission that it made a "trifling" error in its bargaining rights notice when it mistakenly listed the tribunal's website as a source of information rather than the FWO.

FWC cures Teys underpayment mistake, orders backpay

The FWC has ordered abattoir operator Teys Australia to backpay thousands of dollars to meatworkers for incentive scheme underpayments during a long period of "confusion" and "uncertainty" about the operation of its enterprise agreement and an associated incentive payment system.

Full bench reserves decision on bid to overturn Coles agreement

A Coles Supermarkets employee who is seeking to overturn the approval of the retailer's enterprise agreement told a full bench in Melbourne this week that letting the agreement stand would amount to saying, "we've got it wrong, but let us get away with it".

FWC full bench makes important ruling on FIFO employment

In a crucial ruling for the Ichthys LNG project, an FWC full bench has ruled today that an electrical contracting company is entitled to give its fly-in, fly-out employees notice of retrenchment immediately before a rest and recreation period.

Union uses GFB laws to stay sacking of delegate

In what is believed to be a first, the AMWU has secured the interim reinstatement of a shop steward because his sacking arguably breached good faith bargaining obligations.