Case law page 63 of 73

721 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Case law

"Illogical" to consider individual rosters as part of BOOT: FWC

An FWC presidential member has found that despite some "prevailing contemporary opinion to the contrary" it is "illogical" to review employees' rosters or individual circumstances when assessing whether an agreement passes the BOOT.

Court orders CFA to release communications with minister

The Victorian Supreme Court has ordered the Country Fire Authority to produce communications with its minister and advice it received from the Andrews Government about its proposed new enterprise agreement.

Union gives undertaking to curtail claims about employer

The NTEU's WA branch has avoided a Federal Court injunction by removing and promising not to re-publish a series of statements about bargaining with Murdoch University, but a judge has warned of "potentially serious ramifications" if it reneges.

Bench lambasts bargaining parties over "selective" communications

An FWC full bench has taken a swipe at WA universities over actions that might have "substantially invited" a failed NTEU appeal, while the union says the employer's latest court action is seeking to hold its divisional secretary and an industrial officer personally liable for allegedly false or misleading bargaining campaign materials.

Mistakes by employer and HR sink coal deal

The FWC has rejected a coal mining agreement in an "unusually lengthy" ruling because the employer and its HR manager failed to take all reasonable steps to explain it and made a series of pre-approval procedural errors.

Uniline claims are wrong, says APS Commissioner

Australian Public Service Commissioner John Lloyd has responded to reports that APS agencies "mismanaged" the bargaining process in the wake of the FWC's recent Uniline decision on bargaining notices.