Case law page 55 of 73

723 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Case law

BOOT will continue to protect every worker's interest: Bench

In a significant rebuff to employer attempts to accelerate agreement approval processes, a five-member FWC full bench as part of its "loaded rates" ruling has affirmed the requirement to apply the BOOT to each and every covered employee.

Bench rejects small company's broad-coverage agreement

A five-member FWC full bench has quashed the approval of a small construction company's enterprise agreement, after CFMMEU modelling suggested it left workers up to $575 a week worse off than the award, but the Commission has cited the types of undertakings that might get it across the line.

Trump backs bargaining fee ruling

US President Donald Trump has hailed a landmark judgment by the US Supreme Court, which ruled that public sector unions cannot collect compulsory "agency fees" from non-members.

Bench quashes "nothing new" greenfields deal

An FWC full bench has made a significant decision on what constitutes new activity when making greenfields agreements, after the CFMMEU described the deal as a "a cynical, industrially incorrigible and flawed attempt to bypass bargaining with its employees and their union of choice".

Employer given "difficult task" to make deal compliant

An employer has been set the challenge of reverse engineering an agreement rejected on the basis it was not genuinely agreed, after the FWC observed that while achievable through undertakings it was nonetheless a "difficult task".

Contentious three-worker deal makes "business sense": Bench

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision not to approve a deal struck between Thiess and three pre-contract employees on the basis it was not genuinely agreed, remitting the Mount Pleasant mine agreement to a single member for redetermination.

FWC orders initial 4% pay rise for Home Affairs workers

The Fair Work Commission has ordered an immediate 4% pay rise for about 13,000 employees of the former Department of Immigration and Border Protection, after noting they have not received any increases for almost five years.

BHP worker who flunked drug test allowed to challenge dismissal

The FWC has extended time for a BHP joint venture mineworker to lodge a general protections claim challenging his sacking over a failed drug test, but has agreed there is "great weight" to the employer's view that it is essentially an unfair dismissal application in disguise.