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724 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Case law

Full court upholds strict rules for bargaining notice content

A full Federal Court has upheld a finding that retailer Aldi issued invalid bargaining notices because it failed to strictly follow the mandatory content requirements when it replaced "employer" with "leader".

Deal's "traditional" notion supports uni's pay cut: FWC

A university's decision to slash casual tutors' rates for online student support almost four years into an agreement has been endorsed by the FWC, despite the member observing that the deal's definition of tutorial harked back to his long-gone days at law school.

FWC halts "unilateral" axing of income protection

Stevedore DP World will have to abandon its plan to end an income protection scheme for its container terminal workers from Friday, after the FWC ruled its agreement with the CFMMEU's MUA division does not permit "unilateral cessation".

Minister to apply blowtorch to 'discriminatory' fire deal

IR Minister Kelly O'Dwyer's latest challenge to a contentious, newly-minted Melbourne fire brigade agreement is heading to the FWC for a hearing on Monday, with her bid for a stay order coinciding with the deal's scheduled start date.

Attention turns to bid to axe Esso deal, after court ruling

A full Federal Court has cleared the way for the FWC to decide Esso's bid to terminate a 2011 deal covering Bass Strait offshore oil and gas workers, after the Victorian Government failed to persuade it that an FWC full bench wrongly quashed an earlier ruling to halt industrial action.

Undertakings get contentious fire deal across the line

The FWC has approved a Melbourne fire brigade agreement after it accepted undertakings that override terms that hindered workers going part-time and allowed their union to block flexible working arrangements, while a challenge is still on foot to an earlier finding that discriminatory deals can still get up.

"Palpable distrust" doesn't arrest police shift proposal: FWC

The Police Federation has failed to convince the FWC that Victoria Police's plans to introduce afternoon shifts breach their agreement, or that the potential for frontline officers to "bear the brunt" of community dissatisfaction made the change unreasonable.

Axing dredging deals no drag on workers or projects: FWC

Maritime unions have failed to convince the FWC terminating two nominally-expired agreements that, in one case, had covered no workers since 2013 would sabotage the timetables of new dredging projects.