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Woodside's "impertinent" call for evidence: FWC bench

A FWC full bench has lashed energy giant Woodside for its "impertinent" suggestion that a senior tribunal member should have supplied evidence that directions she issued while considering an AWU majority support bid, came from a Commission template.

Nobody told us to resume considering appeal: FWC bench

A FWC full bench has taken a union and employer to task for failing to notify it to resume hearing the former's challenge to a contentious hospitality deal under which employees can work "voluntary" additional hours without penalties.

Bench rejects bid to quietly quash greenfields deal

John Holland's failure to identify the significance of a decision rejecting its earlier greenfields deal when applying to have an almost identical one approved "verged on misleading", a FWC full bench has held, quashing its approval while refusing to quietly do so "by consent".

Air traffic operator's penalties sky high: Full court

A Federal Court majority has slashed by more than 65% penalties imposed on a government-owned organisation for breaching agreement obligations, finding them "manifestly excessive".

Pandemic no "stalking horse" to undermine rights: Court

In a detailed examination of a major government department's early response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Federal Court has rejected union claims that a hastily-conceived working from home policy breached existing arrangements and consultation requirements.

RAFFWU hails "far superior" bookstore deal

RAFFWU says that despite initially challenging the approval of an independent bookseller's agreement, it will be celebrating the result for members set to benefit from a "far superior" wage structure and some of the strongest conditions in retail.

FWC tweaks deal designed to address "industrial risk"

The FWC has resisted union objections to approval of a coal mining deal, accepting an undertaking that the employer would convert a "significant majority" of casual workers to full-time if it wins a tender at a BHP subsidiary.

Horse has bolted on new tram timetable: FWC

The FWC has refused to issue interim orders stopping Yarra Trams from introducing an overhauled rostering system that was months in the making and designed to accommodate the Spring Racing Carnival, while complying with stricter fatigue management rules.

FWC asked to ignite slow-burning BHP negotiations

The CFMMEU's mining division has asked the FWC to intervene after almost two years of fruitless bargaining for enterprise agreements covering internal labour hire companies run by BHP's Operations Services.

Aldi owes employees for unpaid pre-shift "work": Court

The SDA says Aldi will have to pay up to $10 million to about 4000 warehouse workers nationally while also facing potential fines after a court found pre-shift tasks required at a western Sydney distribution centre constitute work.