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720 articles are classified in All Articles > Agreements and bargaining > Case law

Reprieve for zombie deal on kill list

In a decision pointing to the circumstances under which zombie deals can survive beyond December's drop-dead date, a four-member FWC bench has extended a 2004 agreement by almost 18 months after accepting it provides "significantly" better pay than the award and that negotiations have already begun for a replacement deal.

No basis for reducing strike notice period: FWC

The FWC has found no justification for interfering with a union's "statutory right" to three working days notice of industrial action against an "essential service" energy provider, after taking into account a five-point "safety commitment" the ETU put forward in response to the employer's concerns about supply continuity.

Ructions as BHP proposes closing mine camp to strikers

CFMMEU mining and energy division members have this week kicked off protected action in BHP's Queensland coal mines, sparking early sparring over the company's proposed ban on allowing workers back into their accommodation camp while on strike.

FWC bench refuses bid to extend life of zombie deal

In the first test of Secure Jobs zombie-slayer provisions, a FWC full bench has refused to delay the automatic axing of a scaffolding company's 14-year-old deal after establishing that, contrary to the employer's claims, many of its workers will be better off under the award.

FWC refuses strike pause while Virgin pursues IBD

The FWC has refused to suspend engineers' industrial action at a Virgin Australia subsidiary while their employer pursues an intractable bargaining declaration, in an early test of the new Secure Jobs provision.

Confidentiality bid thwarted by pay secrecy provisions

In its first decision since pay secrecy penalties took effect this month, the FWC has rejected an employer's bid to redact a "commercially sensitive" list of clients included in a proposed agreement.

Apple flags new deal vote as old version faces axe

Apple says it expects to put a new agreement to retail workers next month as it resists RAFFWU's bid to axe the tech giant's 2014 deal, which the SDA also contends is replete with "palpable and entrenched unfairness" but refuses to support or oppose terminating while bargaining.

Employer bypass justifies non-AEC ballot agent: FWC

In the latest of a rash of PABO decisions since new Secure Jobs provisions took effect on June 6, the FWC has ruled that an employer's bid to bypass unions and put its agreement to a vote provides exceptional circumstances to warrant using a non-AEC ballot agent.