Remedy page 10 of 46

457 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

No "courtesy" extended to worker sacked after 33 years

The FWC has upheld an employer's entitlement to sack a depressed worker who could no longer perform his job after 33 years, but held it fluffed its lines by failing to extend him the "courtesy" of a chance to respond to its decision.

"Pyrrhic victory" for unvaxxed worker sacked prematurely

The FWC has held that an aged care employer acted "prematurely" in dismissing an unvaccinated employee barred by state health orders from attending the workplace, finding no reason why he could not have continued to work from home as he had done for almost two years.

Reinstatement for driver told to "f*** off Karen"

The FWC has reinstated a Gold Coast bus driver who ejected a passenger for telling her to "F-ck off Karen" after she implored him to wear his face mask properly, finding also that making a call on her smart watch did not breach the employer's mobile phone policy.

ANAO ordered to reinstate COVID-vulnerable WFH auditor

The FWC has taken the National Audit Office to task for revoking permission for a veteran public servant "at increased risk" from COVID-19 to work from home and then sacking her after she refused to return to Canberra while she cared for her dying uncle at their second residence.

FWC reinstates Qantas trainer accused of staring at breasts

The FWC has ordered Qantas to reinstate a trainer accused of inappropriately staring at a female employee's breasts during a "distinguishably lewd" safety demonstration, while taking aim at a "ludicrous" video it used to demonstrate s-xual harassment.

Compensation denied after post-sacking threat

A FWC member has applied the "well known 'duck principle'" in holding that a tyre recycling company suspected of phoenixing unfairly sacked a worker who complained about unpaid superannuation, before threatening to kill a director.

Compensation for public servant sacked over Hitler post

A child protection public servant who claimed on Facebook that the military would remove kids from unvaccinated parents and depicted the former NSW premier as Hitler has won compensation after a tribunal found circumstances rendered her dismissal harsh.

Lawyer entitled to "fruits of victory": Court

The Federal Court has rejected a law firm's attempt to stay payment of compensation awarded to a junior solicitor, the judge finding he is "entitled to the fruits of his victory" while the judgment is appealed.