Remedy page 46 of 46

459 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

Xmas party breast-toucher gets job back

A NSW public servant who admitted touching the breasts of five women during a 2012 Christmas party has won his job back after the NSW IRC found he was treated more harshly than a senior manager who was only demoted.

Marijuana smoker wins job back despite zero tolerance policy

Zero-tolerance drug and alcohol policies are back in the spotlight following the FWC's decision to reinstate a ship's master who crashed his ferry into a Sydney Harbour wharf 16 hours after smoking marijuana at home to relieve shoulder pain.

Teacher wins reinstatement appeal

In a ruling that highlights the need for tribunal members to fully explore reinstatement options for unfairly dismissed employees, the Fair Work Commission has upheld an appeal by a Catholic teacher against a decision not to give him his job back.

Federal Court rejects bid to overturn delegate's reinstatement

The Federal Court has dismissed a stevedoring company's challenge to the interim reinstatement of a MUA delegate, despite acknowledging the company's belief that the orders undermined its authority to manage workplace bullying and harassment.

No mistakes in doctor reinstatement ruling, tribunal bench finds

In a long-running case with numerous twists and turns, an unfairly dismissed anaesthetist has again failed to win his job back after a Fair Work Commission full bench ruled there were no errors in Deputy President Val Gostencnik's decision that Barwon Health's loss of trust and confidence in him made reinstatement inappropriate.

Appeal court upholds $1.6m payout to sales director

A finance company has failed to overturn an order to pay $1.6m in damages to a sales director it initially dismissed on notice and then purported to summarily sack for allegedly sexually harassing a subordinate.