Remedy page 44 of 46

457 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

FWC flushes away employer's trust and confidence qualms

The FWC has reinstated a portable toilet delivery driver sacked for a safety breach, after rejecting his employer's claims that he shouldn't be returned to the job because it no longer had trust and confidence in him.

Unfair dismissal round-up: Employer denied lawyer; and more

Employer can "effectively represent itself"; It's peculiar: Bench overrules refusal of name change; Employer pays for hitting snooze on investigation; Dating a no-no on employer phone, says FWC; and Hairdresser's evidence doesn't cut it.

Westpac manager's conduct undermined trust/confidence: FWC

The FWC has upheld Westpac's summary dismissal of a bank manager who breached six of the seven principles in the bank's code of conduct when he failed to disclose an affair with a subordinate and breached a restraining order she took out.

Sacking over "golden rule" breach exposes site's safety flaws

A company that dismissed a rigger for working unsafely at height and then allegedly ignoring a supervisor’s instruction to work differently has been ordered to pay him $9000 compensation, after failing to prove he received sufficiently clear directions.

Reinstatement must be unconditional: Full bench

In its first full bench examination of the Fair Work Act's reinstatement provisions, the FWC has ruled it has no power to attach conditions to orders returning dismissed workers to their jobs.

Full bench overturns "clearly inadequate" compensation

A senior Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled that when assessing compensation in an unfair dismissal case, the tribunal needs "cogent evidence" to find that an employee would have been summarily sacked within a short period if the original termination of employment had not occurred.

Underpayment claim shouldn't stop reinstatement, but appeal fails

A FWC full bench has ruled that in assessing whether reinstatement is appropriate in an unfair dismissal case, the tribunal should not take into account any ill-will arising from continuing legal proceedings between an employee and an employer.

FWC rejects second reinstatement bid

An unfairly dismissed Catholic school teacher who successfully argued before a Fair Work Commission full bench that a tribunal member failed to give sufficient consideration to reinstatement options has again missed out on getting her job back.