Remedy page 42 of 46

457 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

FWC "unlikes" dismissal of teacher over Facebook posts

The FWC has refused to reinstate a dismissed teacher, because her school lost trust and confidence in her after she posted disparaging comments on Facebook about an unresolved industrial dispute.

Bench upholds sacking for racist comments

Prior employee misconduct that did not result in dismissal but demonstrates a "pattern of unacceptable behaviour" must be considered when determining unfair dismissal cases, a Fair Work Commission full bench has ruled.

Defecating courier unfairly dumped by employer: FWC

An employer had a valid reason to sack a long-serving courier who had "no choice" but to defecate in a client's carpark while on the job, but his dismissal without notice was unfair, the Fair Work Commission has found.

Visa worker in "unusual" and "exploitative" arrangement unfairly sacked: FWC

The FWC has found even the "most basic" of HR advice would have avoided the "error laden and unfair" dismissal of a 457 visa holder employed under an exploitative arrangement in which she worked as a motel senior manager on the proviso that her partner toiled for free.

Unfair dismissal round-up: Compensation for worker sacked for remark made in jest; & more

Unfair to sack supervisor for remark made in jest; FWC grants legal representation for case to be heard on "less emotive" basis; Employer's appeal against domestic violence sacking rejected by full bench; High-earning BHPB "number two" not protected from unfair dismissal; HR business partner's $138,000 salary exceeds high income threshold; Tribunal rejects sacked worker's bid for reimbursement of counselling costs; Ranger dismissed because contract ran out, not whistleblowing; and FWC "draws the line" on "meandering" unfair dismissal claim.

Worker unfairly sacked over murder accessory charge: FWC

Employers must conduct a reasonable investigation and avoid a "knee-jerk reaction" when considering sacking any employee facing serious out-of-hours criminal charges, a tribunal has warned.

Lingerie store breaches adverse action laws

A lingerie store manager allegedly labelled a "sl-t" after refusing the s-xual advances of a director at a work function was exposed to unlawful adverse action when the company refused to re-employ her, the Federal Circuit Court has found.

FWC upholds sacking of worker after 20-beer binge

A welder's claims that he was "fine" after bingeing on 20 cans of full-strength beer over 12 hours on Australia Day before facing a random breath test at work has failed to impress FWC member Danny Cloghan, who says it "would be greeted with that very Australian saying relating to animal manure".

Injured Qantas baggage handler's sacking harsh, says FWC

Despite being lawfully sacked for his inability to return to pre-injury duties, a Qantas baggage handler will be compensated after the FWC found steps leading to the decision were inadequate, confusing and lacked procedural fairness.