Remedy page 36 of 46

459 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

Worker sacked for blowing whistle on drunk employer: FWC

The FWC has ordered a franchisee to compensate an unfairly dismissed employee who contacted head office to report her boss for drunkenness and drink driving in accordance with company whistleblowing provisions.

"Casual" employee entitled to annual leave: Court

In a decision sure to be closely analysed by employers, a court has ruled that a worker is entitled to accrued annual leave despite being paid a casual loading for 15 years.

FWC sends sacked bus driver back to employer for repairs

The FWC has reinstated a public bus driver dismissed after a road rage incident in which a vehicle was damaged and punches thrown, the commissioner observing that while the employee-employer relationship was "bruised", it was not beyond repair.

Worker reinstated after queries about missing HR recommendations

The FWC has reinstated a CFMEU lodge president dismissed for a series of threatening phone calls to workmates after questioning why recommendations and mitigating factors raised during a senior HR advisor's investigations were absent from the employer's final report.

No compensation for manager who lied on CV, damaged business

The FWC has ruled that an organisation's failure to provide notice to a poorly-performing finance manager rendered her dismissal unfair, but has refused to order compensation because she "deliberately deceived" it about her qualifications.

Lack of HR expertise costs small employer

"No human resources specialist would have recommended" the manner in which a company dismissed a worker after his "appalling conduct" when he swore in a vulgar way at his boss, the FWC has found.

Teacher acquitted of indecent assault wins job back

A Catholic school teacher sacked after being charged with indecent assault, of which he was later acquitted, has been reinstated after the FWC rejected the Sydney Archdiocese's argument that his automatic loss of clearance to work with children frustrated his employment.