Remedy page 30 of 46

457 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

"Insist" on legal advice refund over flawed dismissal: FWC

The FWC has slammed a childcare centre for a "hopelessly flawed investigation" that led to a teacher being sacked over false allegations she mistreated a child, suggesting the owner should claim his money back for poor legal advice.

Sick chef's sacking "extraordinarily heartless"

A wholefood store that summarily dismissed a chef after a three-day absence for cancer treatment has failed to establish that he abandoned his employment, the FWC slamming its "extraordinarily heartless disregard".

Contrition over HR manager's silence needs more than words: FWC

In a penalty decision ordering the local arm of a global conglomerate to pay a further $20,000 to a supervisor unlawfully sacked by an HR manager within her probationary period, a court has cited the company's failure to find out more about the contravening conduct and whether it needed to minimise the risk of it reoccurring.

Former manager doesn't qualify for whistleblowing protections: CBA

The Commonwealth Bank has denied bullying and retrenching a former general manager for revealing a scheme allowing colleagues to artificially boost bonuses, claiming also that his actions did not qualify for whistleblower protections and that he cannot pursue his claim under the terms of his deed of release.

Swastika use protected political opinion, argues sacked academic

A University of Sydney lecturer sacked after superimposing a swastika on an Israeli flag in teaching materials and social media posts is relying on political opinion protections in the Fair Work Act and academic freedom clauses, claiming he was really dismissed for challenging his treatment.

Medical director not a danger to public: Tribunal

A tribunal has ordered a health service to reinstate the chair of its credentialing committee dismissed for his role in appointing to an obstetrics job a recovering alcoholic suspected of falling off the wagon at work, rejecting as "absolute codswallop" its claim that the chair now poses a danger to the public.