Remedy page 23 of 46

459 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

BP to "uphold values" despite losing Hitler parody appeal

BP has vowed to keep upholding its values across operations despite failing to upset FWC full bench orders to reinstate a worker who made a Hitler parody video of its protracted bargaining with oil refinery workers.

Employers should not "falsely amplify" safety issues: Tribunal

An FWC member has cautioned employers not to "falsely amplify" safety hazards, ordering the reinstatement of a BluesScope worker accused of almost tipping a large steel coil in circumstances where there was "zero" likelihood of anyone being injured.

Meatworker boned over uncharacteristic Coke theft: FWC

A meatworks boner sacked just shy of his tenth work anniversary for stealing a can of coke is in line for almost $30,000 in compensation plus accrued long service leave, after the FWC found the employer's response harsh.

Chief executive's dismissal challenge backfires spectacularly

A court has given a publicly-listed veterinary pharmaceutical company the go-ahead to pursue its former chief executive for a significant portion of more than US$400,000 paid to settle assault and s-x discrimination cases brought by two members of its marketing team.

Bench quashes compensation for "intentionally deviant" mineworker

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to compensate an "intentionally deviant" mineworker, finding a tribunal member wrongly focussed on a BHP subsidiary's perceived failure to follow its Fair Play disciplinary guidelines.

Bus driver's sacking over mobile calls "disproportionate": Tribunal

In what a union has hailed as a victory for a commonsense approach to mobile phone use, a tribunal has reinstated a bus driver sacked for making two calls while parked with the doors open and the vehicle's dual braking system engaged.