Remedy page 18 of 46

459 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

Estate agency sacked stellar seller after JobKeeper agitation

The FWC has ordered compensation for an award-winning Ray White real estate salesperson sacked after "stirring the pot" over plans to pass on only a proportion of JobKeeper payments to commission-based employees.

Delegates' fracas had tenuous workplace connection: FWC

The FWC has ordered Toll Transport to reinstate one of two TWU delegates who fought each other after a union meeting, finding their punch-up over yard deals while on paid delegates leave did not have a sufficient connection to their work.

HR manager allegedly threatened to "eliminate" worker

A small employer must pay a former casual employee almost $15,000 after claims its HR manager threatened to "eliminate" her if she did not work extra unpaid hours to make up for JobKeeper payments received while she was sick.

Big employer fell short of its investigation standards: FWC

An ASX-listed company failed to meet its own standards for investigating alleged misconduct when it neglected to interview two key witnesses and relied upon a manager's inaccurate account of a worker's response to accusations, the FWC has found.

Employer's "tin ear" over remote worker's COVID-19 pressures

In a decision highlighting the challenges of managing remote workers during a pandemic, the FWC has awarded compensation to a salesperson dismissed after a director took exception to her attitude during a teleconference and drew negative conclusions about her productivity after scrutinising her Instagram posts.

Tribunal reverses safety sacking

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a mine under-manager with an impeccable 40-year work record but docked $55,000 from his pay for misconduct that resulted in a colleague straining his leg.

$1000 payout for worker denied JobKeeper

An employee potentially denied JobKeeper payments when his employer failed to consult him before making him redundant has won just $1000 compensation.