Remedy page 12 of 46

459 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Remedy

Protest that flouted public health orders justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has distinguished between "regular" industrial protests and those likely to attract "public outrage" during pandemic restrictions in finding a crane company entitled to sack an operator who attended a violent anti-vax rally outside CFMMEU offices in Melbourne.

Dozing prison guard reinstated after "procedural muddle"

A prison guard who nodded off during shifts has won his job back after a tribunal found proper account had not been taken of his previously undiagnosed sleep apnea and that his dismissal was affected by a "procedural muddle" featuring two decision-makers reaching different conclusions.

CUB had right to resist reinstatement of on-hire worker: Full Court

A full Federal Court has dismissed an on-hire worker's bid to overturn a FWC ruling that it could not force a labour hire company to reinstate him to his former job at client CUB, upholding the tribunal's finding giving primacy to the host employer's right to determine who it allowed on its site.

Bench reinstates sacked union delegate

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to compensate a union delegate unfairly sacked by Simplot a year ago and instead ordered it to reinstate him, holding a senior member weighed irrelevant considerations in deciding not to give him his job back.

Sacked union official sues over alleged gambling discrimination

A former ETU official is suing over his expulsion from the union for credit card misuse and refusing to apologise for an alleged assault, claiming discrimination on the basis of his gambling addiction and that the matters had already been finalised under the branch's previous leadership.

Pandemic used to "disguise" ex-wife's sacking: FWC

The FWC has ordered a chief executive to compensate his ex-wife $27,000 for unfairly sacking her from their start-up, finding he used the COVID-19 downturn to "disguise" her dismissal as a redundancy soon after they separated.

"Suspicions of foul play" no basis for sacking: FWC

A medical recruiter that sacked a manager over an "under-investigated suspicion" he took confidential information from its database must compensate him after the FWC found it was so focused on building a Supreme Court case it failed to provide procedural fairness.

Big employer's "disturbing" HR failure

Amcor must compensate an injured worker by paying him for two months it should have granted as unpaid leave before sacking him, the FWC finding the packaging giant's failure to inform itself of obligations "disappointing and disturbing" given its size and HR resources.

Employer fined $36K after "daring" FWO to come after him

A hospitality business and its director have been hit with a $36,000 fine after they "snubbed their noses" at the FWC by failing to comply on time with orders to pay an unfairly sacked barista $5780 compensation.