Procedural fairness page 9 of 54

538 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Procedural fairness

FWC asked to ignite slow-burning BHP negotiations

The CFMMEU's mining division has asked the FWC to intervene after almost two years of fruitless bargaining for enterprise agreements covering internal labour hire companies run by BHP's Operations Services.

Fingerprint expert reinstated after fall-out from husband's affair

A Victorian Police fingerprint expert has been reinstated after the FWC found her dismissal for "deceitfully" calling her detective husband's ex-lover during work hours both disproportionate and harsh in terms of its financial impact.

Mask failure did not justify summary sacking: FWC

An employer had no basis for summarily dismissing a real estate employee who tested positive for COVID-19 five days after ignoring directions to wear a mask when inspecting the property of an aged care worker, the FWC has found.

Conversion-driven probe "tainted": FWC

The FWC has ordered an ASX-listed company to compensate a casual sacked for falsifying timesheets and failing to take proper breaks, finding his request to convert to permanency prompted the audit that uncovered his breaches.

FWC upholds sacking of tardy worker, exposes fake vax certificate

The FWC in upholding the sacking of a worker who ran late every day for nearly four years and kept failing to use its bundy system has also identified her fake vaccination certificate and recommended referring her alleged offence to authorities.

Ruling provides guidance for unvaxxed unfair dismissal claimants

A FWC presidential member has issued a 10-point rebuttal of COVID-19-related arguments put by a sacked unvaccinated worker, to help her to consider whether to proceed with positions likely to be "irrelevant" in her unfair dismissal claim and that have been "emphatically rejected in numerous cases" before the tribunal and courts.

$33K for wrongly-sacked COVID-19 mandate objector

A mining equipment manufacturer that admitted to wrongly sacking a warehouse worker for failing to comply with a government COVID-19 vaccine mandate that did not apply to her must pay more than $33,000 compensation, after the FWC slashed her payout by half.

Grounded Virgin flight attendant gets job back

The FWC has reinstated a senior Virgin flight attendant accused of tardiness, stealing snacks, sleeping and watching a movie while on duty, finding pandemic-driven loads on HR delayed the airline's investigation and contributed to procedural fairness deficiencies.