Procedural fairness page 46 of 54

537 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Procedural fairness

FWC upholds sacking for abusive emails

As Murdoch University continues to press for termination of its enterprise agreement, its lawyers say an FWC decision upholding the sacking of an employee who used his work email to send abusive messages to the ABS illustrates the deal's outdated provisions.

Sacked firefighter filmed stunt as alarm sounded

Airservices Australia was entitled to dismiss a firefighter keeping watch at a major airport's fire control centre for continuing to film a simulation of himself making music on an electronic device as an alarm sounded, the FWC has found.

Unfair to sack worker for "crude" Facebook post

The FWC has awarded $6,000 compensation to a travelling salesperson who was unfairly dismissed for making a "crude" and "immature" Facebook post suggesting a woman provided s-xual favours to her boss to win a promotion.

BHP to pay worker $25,000 after "rushed" sacking

A BHP Coal employee with a "cavalier" attitude towards workplace dangers has been awarded more than $25,000 in compensation after being "effectively frozen out" out of a flawed investigation into an alleged safety breach.

Employer failed to give HR officer chance to improve: FWC

The FWC has found the sacking of an HR officer for underperformance was an unfair fait accompli, determining that she was given inadequate opportunities to improve and insufficient notice that her job was in peril.

Dismissal for explicit Facebook post valid but harsh

The FWC has found it was harsh to dismiss a nurse who tagged two colleagues to a s-xually explicit Facebook video and said they were "slamming" each other, set-up a mock masturbation scene on a workmate's desk and referred to a senior manager in crude derogatory terms.