Procedural fairness page 16 of 54

538 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Procedural fairness

FWC rebuffs CBA bid for external legal representation

The FWC has refused to permit the Commonwealth Bank to bring in external lawyers to help it defend an unrepresented worker's unfair dismissal claim, despite the bank claiming its team of eight in-house employment solicitors are either unavailable or lacking recent experience.

Police officer's sacking for alleged exposure rightly reversed: Court

Victoria Police has lost its bid to sack an officer for "disgraceful conduct" in allegedly exposing himself to a day spa therapist while getting his groin waxed, the State's Court of Appeal this month holding its review board rightly set the dismissal decision aside.

Company car removal after 'roo strike a dismissal: FWC

In a decision exploring when employers can be said to have repudiated employment contracts, the FWC has ruled that a multinational dismissed a worker when it "unilaterally" withdrew his company car without compensation following a collision with a kangaroo.

FWC lands another jab for compulsory vaccinations

Employers operating in high-risk environments such as aged and child care have been given further confidence that they can force workers to immunise after the FWC today upheld the sacking of a long-serving care assistant who refused a compulsory flu shot on allergy grounds.

Second-time-around sacking unfair without fresh evidence: FWC

A government agency has been ordered to reinstate a worker dismissed a year after it attributed a workplace vehicle collision to "human error", the FWC finding it had produced no further evidence to warrant the change of heart.

FWC saves "threatening" worker's bacon

The FWC has reinstated a bacon worker, after holding it was not threatening to say she felt like knocking a colleague off her perch, while finding the employer contributed to their stress, denied her procedural fairness and had a tendency to exaggerate evidence.

Supervisor allegedly wanted $50K to disappear "quietly"

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a traffic management supervisor who allegedly directed his union representative to ask for $50,000 to "go away quietly" after the employment relationship was soured by his refusal to be on-call on weekends.

Sacking justified after Facebook posts: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a finance broker who posted sexually-explicit Facebook memes, including one featuring a colleague after seeking her permission, finding a "robust" and sub-par workplace culture did not make his ousting unfair.

FWC upholds sacking of hugging teacher

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a 52-year-old Victorian secondary teacher who "crossed the line" when he hugged and touched boys, despite also finding his employer did not follow the disciplinary procedures set out in its enterprise agreement.