Redundancy page 10 of 23

223 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Redundancy

Bad rap for "cowboy" boss HR couldn't corral

An HR manager unable to influence the "cowboy behaviour" of her employer has helped the FWC establish that he falsified an email to paint as a redundancy his sacking of a manager who complained about his brother.

FWC extends time after late emergence of evidence

A worker has who discovered evidence, two weeks after the deadline for lodging an unfair dismissal claim, that her redundancy might not be genuine, has won an extension of time.

HR manager's post-merger redundancy genuine: FWC

An HR manager has failed to convince the FWC that a newly-merged company didn't genuinely scrap his role, while his refusal to move from his home town cruelled any redeployment opportunities.

Misrepresented redundancy cost me $428K, claims manager

A former BP manager is suing Puma Energy for almost half a million dollars in redundancy pay after he was sacked in the wake of his new employer acquiring the petroleum giant's local bitumen business.

Compensation after pregnant bookkeeper's "cavalier" sacking

The FWC has ordered an accounting firm to compensate a bookkeeper sacked in a "hopelessly cavalier" fashion via email while pregnant and holidaying overseas, rejecting the employer's claim it was a genuine redundancy.

Lawyer's advocacy "masterclass": FWC

In what stands as a tribute to the qualities the FWC looks for in employers' legal representatives, an experienced tribunal member has praised a senior associate for "a masterclass in the art of advocacy" that avoided bamboozling or belittling an unrepresented bus driver.

FWC makes first COVID-19 redundancy pay rulings

The FWC, in contrasting redundancy decisions delivered on the same day, has agreed to slash the payment a small, pandemic-affected business must make to a worker, but has rejected another employer's bid to do the same for three of its former employees.

COVID-19 redundancies didn't follow script: FWC

In the first significant pandemic-related dispute over mass lay-offs to come before the FWC, the Federal Court's transcription service provider has been criticised for making "hollow" consultation promises and reminded to treat workers "with dignity in this time of crisis".