Case law page 8 of 56

551 articles are classified in All Articles > General protections and adverse action > Case law

Costs against manager accused of earning "secret profits"

The former contracts manager of an ASX-listed mining company has been ordered to pay half his former employer's costs in defending an appeal against a judge's decision to strike out most of a general protections claim filed as the company pursues him for allegedly earning "secret profits".

Academic's 'cancel culture' win on hold

A Sydney University lecturer sacked for superimposing a swastika on a posted image of an Israeli flag has nominally won his job back, pending the result of the institution's appeal against a finding that his 2019 dismissal breached its agreement's intellectual freedom clause.

Possible legislative fix if Qantas wins in High Court

Labor Senator Tony Sheldon has hinted the Albanese Government will move quickly to introduce "urgent" legislative changes if the High Court overturns a Federal Court finding that Qantas took unlawful adverse action against nearly 2000 former ground crew when it rejected an in-house tender and outsourced their jobs.

McDonald's franchisee admits "unlawful de-unionisation" activity

The SDA is gearing up to take further action against McDonald's fast food outlets after a settlement in which a franchisee coughed up $275,000 and confessed to waging a union-busting campaign and pressuring part-timers to become casuals, despite denying it in court documents.

Green light for 'retrenched' political candidate to sue investment bank

A NSW Greens candidate has won extra time to pursue an investment bank with a former Coalition IR Minister on its board, after it allegedly refused his parental leave application and retrenched him after he ran for local government and inquired about his rights.

Adverse action case to proceed after departure gate dumping

The FWC has refused to throw out an allegedly out-of-time adverse action case, ruling a FIFO worker only learned he had been sacked when told he had been left off the list of passengers due to board a plane to the worksite.

Qantas High Court hearing on the runway

The Flying Kangaroo's crucial High Court challenge to the finding that it took unlawful adverse action against 2000 former ground crew when it rejected a TWU in-house tender and outsourced their jobs is set to be heard next month.