Case law page 52 of 55

550 articles are classified in All Articles > General protections and adverse action > Case law

No adverse action against depressed lawyer: Court

A Federal Court full bench has reversed the reinstatement of a government solicitor who had been found to have suffered adverse action when dismissed while suffering depression.

Court finds advisor and employer took adverse action

The Federal Court has found a childcare centre breached federal adverse action laws by sacking a worker for recruiting union members during an industrial campaign, rejecting its claim it dismissed her for reasons including bullying and harassing a colleague who wouldn't join up.

Docks culture laid bare in MUA delegate's failed bid to regain job

Stevedoring giant DP World was entitled to summarily dismiss an MUA delegate who called a colleague a "f--king lagger" and instructed another worker to lie in a related investigation, and the sacking did not amount to adverse action, the Federal Court has ruled today.

Political opinion and complaint protected, but redundancy fair: Court

The Federal Circuit Court has accepted that taking sides in an ideological split and making a bullying and harassment complaint are protected under the Fair Work Act's adverse action regime, but has rejected an academic's claim that they were the reasons for his redundancy.

Court examines adverse action "workplace right"

In a case on what constitutes a "workplace right", the Federal Circuit Court has refused to throw out an adverse action application by an employee who was dismissed for challenging his employer's professional practices.

High Court "scab" ruling not the end: Stewart

Another High Court case on the Fair Work Act's protections for employees engaged in union activity might not be far away, according to a leading IR academic, after the CFMEU's appeal against the Federal Court's BHP Coal "scab-sign" ruling was this morning rejected by a 3-2 majority.

High Court clears BHP Coal over "scab" sign

A High Court majority has dismissed the CFMEU's appeal against the Federal Court's decision that BHP Coal did not take adverse action when it dismissed a union delegate when he waved an "anti-scab" sign on a union picket.

High Court to make "scab" sign ruling next week

The High Court will decide next Thursday whether BHP Coal took adverse action against a mineworker when it sacked him for holding up an anti-"scab" sign at a picket in Queensland's Bowen Basin in 2012.