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550 articles are classified in All Articles > General protections and adverse action > Case law

Inappropriate behaviour prompted former organiser's sacking: HSU

The HSU has struck back at a former organiser's age discrimination claim, saying she inappropriately made a secret recording and revealed at a divisional council meeting that she'd call "rape rape rape" if ever left alone with any manager who bullied or intimidated her.

Iraqi consulate took unlawful adverse action: Court

Iraq's Sydney consulate took unlawful adverse action when it refused to renew the contracts of two locally-engaged interpreters who complained to the FWC about bullying and enquired with the FWO about non-payment of entitlements, a court has found.

High Court timetables Personnel Contracting, Ridd cases

The High Court is likely to hear the Personnel Contracting/ZG Operations and Ridd cases in the second half of the year, after setting timetables for submissions to be completed by early June.

Staffroom power struggle heads to court

Two union-rep teachers are facing court action launched by a new, unregistered rival to the Queensland Teachers' Union after they sent colleagues an all-staff school email claiming it could not represent their industrial interests.

Lyme disease claim no basis to reject masks, says ABC

The ABC says it is refusing to roster a make-up artist who claims she cannot wear a mask due to Lyme disease, because her insistence on instead donning a face shield puts presenters at risk and it does not accept her actions are the manifestation of a disability.

Redundancy about rating, not union links: Opera Australia

A veteran musician accusing Opera Australia of using the pandemic as an excuse to weed out union activists was selected for redundancy after a panel of "experienced employees" ranked him below its orchestra's two other oboe players, according to the company's Federal Circuit Court response.

"Late starter" denied flexitime: Claim

A worker who describes herself as a "late starter" is seeking either reinstatement or almost $1 million, claiming the Defence Department dismissed her for numerous prohibited reasons including her age and complaints about being denied flexible working hours.

Law firm wins costs against partner who claimed s-x bias

The Federal Court has ordered costs against a lawyer denied leave to pursue a s-x discrimination claim, finding she did not establish a reasonably arguable case that a law firm used bullying allegations to oust her as a partner because she was a "strong female leader".

Union sued for $900K over alleged age bias, bullying

A former HSU NSW branch organiser is suing the union for more than $900,000 in an adverse action case in which she claims to have been sacked because of her age and bullying complaints against her manager.

FWC loses patience with tenuous unlawful dismissal case

Observing that "you can only 'lead a horse to water' so many times", the FWC has after nearly a year dismissed what it described as a former university employee's largely incompetent unlawful dismissal claim.