Jurisdictional issues page 16 of 37

365 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Jurisdictional issues

"Death row" manager's late application dismissed

A manager placed on "death row" after missing sales targets has had his one-minute-late unfair dismissal application rejected despite the FWC finding he had an arguable case.

End of the road for Coles driver sacked for drug test failure

A full bench has overturned an extension of time, originally granted on the basis of his union's representative error, for a truck driver summarily sacked by Coles Supermarkets after testing positive for methamphetamine and cannabinoids.

Member lacked power to pull rug on dismissal case: Bench

A presidential member denied an unfair dismissal applicant a fair hearing when he threw out his case for want of prosecution without a formal request from the employer, a FWC full bench has ruled.

Casual sacked after forced choice between employers: FWC

A casual cook has been cleared to contest her dismissal after the FWC found she was caught between the competing interests of two workplaces in responding to the Victorian Government's single employer directive at the height of that State's COVID-19 outbreak.

Worker should have raised concerns with HR, investigator: FWC

In throwing out a constructive dismissal claim, the FWC has rejected a former Westpac employee's allegation that a "complicit" bank executive undermined the legitimacy of an investigation that exposed "kickbacks" she received for referring customers to an external broker.

FWC loses patience with tenuous unlawful dismissal case

Observing that "you can only 'lead a horse to water' so many times", the FWC has after nearly a year dismissed what it described as a former university employee's largely incompetent unlawful dismissal claim.