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Warning on risks of AI-aided HR and recruitment tools

Artificial intelligence HR and hiring tools pose "significant risks" for workplaces, according to an equality law expert who is calling for an enforceable positive duty on employers, while a recruitment body has told a Senate inquiry there should be an industry standard.

"Myth" believers have higher propensity to harass: Report

Workers who subscribe to common "s-xual harassment myths" are 16 times more likely than others to use digital communications to s-xually harass their colleagues, according to a new paper that also suggests that employers had been poorly prepared for related issues arising from the pandemic-driven shift to working from home.

Indigenous "cultural load" recognition gains traction

Most universities now have cultural workload allowances for First Nations employees in their agreements that recognise the often unseen cultural education guidance they provide, with WA's Murdoch University the latest to adopt the entitlement, according to the NTEU.

Workplace standards now "even higher": FWC

In a decision warning that workplaces are "on notice" to meet far higher standards of behaviour, the FWC has thrown out the unfair dismissal claim of a veteran Alcoa worker held to have groped a female colleague.

Give menopausal women right to flexible work: Union

The FSU has told a Senate inquiry that employees suffering from perimenopause or menopausal symptoms should have a right to apply for flexible work, while Maurice Blackburn says an ability to work from home, access extra paid leave and take longer breaks greatly improves engagement.

Blanket NDAs still the norm despite guidelines: Report

Strict non-disclosure clauses remain the default option for s-xual harassment settlements, a year after the publication of Respect@Work Council guidelines for their use, according to a new report that nevertheless outlines model NDA terms.

Criticism of harassment costs legislation "unfounded": ACTU

The Human Rights Commission and the Law Council have voiced major concerns to a Senate inquiry into a Bill designed to protect workers who bring sexual harassment claims from costs orders in most circumstances, but the ACTU says criticisms are "unfounded".