Equal opportunity/ gender equity page 9 of 15

149 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Equal opportunity/ gender equity

Jenkins differs from AFP on duty to report; & more

Jenkins differs from AFP on duty to report assaults; Victoria to consult on new harassment reporting duty; Grattan calls for inquiry into care industry pay; and Blowout in gender pay gap over 15 years, says ACTU.

Leave entitlements critical for transgender support: Expert

Transition leave, "all-gender" toilets and training on LGBTQ issues signal to transgender employees that it is safe to come out in the workplace, according to employer support program Pride in Diversity.

"Fatigue" blamed as employers fail to close equity gap

With the WGEA blaming "gender equality fatigue" for a substantial drop in employers taking action on pay equity, new research suggests "tired" managers' lack of understanding and ownership is impeding their ability to drive change.

Most flexibility requests granted, but room to improve: Report

The NSW public sector granted more than 87% of women's requests for flexible work ahead of COVID-19, according to a large PSA member survey that says the pandemic has proved there is still room for improvement in the Berejiklian Government's "if not why not" policy.

Proposal for five days paid "reproductive health" leave

An HSU branch in Victoria is pursuing an Australian-first claim for five days' annual paid reproductive health and wellbeing leave - to cover IVF treatment, endometriosis, vasectomies and serious menstrual pain - that the ACTU says would foster "more equal and accommodating workplaces".

Victoria starts consultations on gig economy proposals

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government has opened public consultations into the recommendations of the landmark inquiry into the gig economy workforce, while it has also appointed its first public sector gender equality commissioner.

New gender pay equity laws for New Zealand

New Zealand has passed ground-breaking legislation that creates a new process for making pay equity claims in female-dominated industries.

Give FWC anti-harassment powers: AHRC report

Sex Discrimination Commissioner Kate Jenkins in her report of the national inquiry into sexual harassment has recommended the FWC gain new powers to issue orders to halt the conduct, similar to its ability to make anti-bullying orders.