Bullying page 10 of 22

215 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Bullying

No joy for chief executive "bullied" over bullying investigation

A major medical practice's former chief executive has had his application for a bullying order against two doctor-directors thrown out by the FWC, which observed that "short of storming the barricades" he had no prospect of ever meeting the threshold requirement of returning to his job.

FWC puts stop to bullying application, saying "mud sticks"

A senior FWC member has refused to stay a former Sydney Trains employee's stop bullying application while he pursues reinstatement through the courts, observing that mud would "stick" to his accused ex-colleagues as long as the matter went unresolved.

Ill wind blows no good for bullying complaint

A court has thrown out an aggrieved former employee's bullying case, finding he could not substantiate claims of a "complex conspiracy" that involved a flatulent supervisor.

Qantas worker's "fundamental" conduct breach justified sacking: FWC

In the wake of the public spotlight on the Qantas "inclusive language" guidelines, one of its baggage handlers has failed to convince the FWC that tearing a colleague's shirt, shoving him against a locker and telling him to f-ck off back to his country were not sackable offences but rather a bit of "argy bargy" between friends, consistent with the workplace culture.

Bench absolves member of blame for "bullied" employee's distress

In a decision underlining the challenges for the Commission in managing vulnerable self-represented employees in its bullying jurisdiction, a full bench has rejected an employee's claim that a tribunal member's procedures were responsible for her mental distress.

Volunteer can pursue bullying claim

The FWC has cleared the way for a veteran's advocate to bring a bullying claim against RSL Queensland and 14 of its directors, after establishing that his volunteer services for one of its 240 sub-branches was in fact work performed for the constitutionally-covered state organisation.

UFU fails to douse report into firefighters' culture

A court has thrown out a union bid to shut down a report into discriminatory behaviour in the Victorian fire services, confirming that the state human rights commission's powers extend to investigating statutory corporations.