Bullying page 8 of 22

215 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Bullying

"Big threatening scary man" comment not s-x bias: FWC

The FWC has rejected allegations that a female supervisor's description of a worker as a "big threatening scary man" amounted to s-xual discrimination, finding no evidence that he was treated less favourably because he was a male.

Health risk cited as FWC issues "no yelling" anti-bullying orders

The FWC has taken a cautious approach in issuing an interim anti-bullying order restraining the co-owner and an employee of a retail business from belittling each other, suppressing identities amid "genuine health concerns" for both parties.

Exclusion from Christmas cheer "not bullying": FWC

The FWC has refused to issue an interim anti-bullying order against an employer that excluded a cleaner from a workplace Christmas celebration and refused to give her leave on Australia Day, but has criticised its "poor and clumsy" handling of the worker's complaints.

Employer held accountable for "disestablishment" of role

A university faces possible reinstatement and penalty orders following a finding that it used redundancy to manage-out a complaining accountant who was considered by her supervisor to be "poisonous to the team environment".

Secret audio rejected in bullying case

An employee found to have made some "false" allegations has been denied the chance to use secret recordings of a meeting as evidence in a bullying case that is to be heard today by the FWC.

Manager cleared of bullying, but could have shown more foresight

The FWC has thrown out a bullying claim from an employment consultant who felt aggrieved by his manager's approach to a colleague's "dad jokes" and accused his manager of sexually harassing him by touching his shoulder during a discussion about political correctness.

Lawyer's discrimination claim undermined by "inflammatory tone"

A lawyer accused of bullying has failed to convince the Federal Court that it should stop a law firm from potentially expelling her as a partner because it treated her less favourably than male colleagues, the court holding that conduct that included an "inflammatory" letter following the complaints set her circumstances apart.

Transfer to HR department was bullying, claims public servant

A public servant who claims her transfer to the HR department constituted bullying and retaliation for whistleblowing has failed to convince the FWC to issue interim orders removing the financial security authority's chief people officer as her supervisor and preventing disciplinary action.