Bullying page 19 of 22

214 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Bullying

No anti-bullying order after employer reforms behaviour

The FWC has declined to make an order against a radiology company found to have bullied an employee, saying its recent "careful attention to procedural fairness" made it unlikely its conduct would continue.

FWC warns FSU not to share bullying complaint with national executive

The FSU's national executive "intervened" to stymie national secretary Fiona Jordan's plan to engage an external investigator to examine a senior industrial officer's bullying complaint against assistant national secretary Geoff Derrick, a FWC decision has revealed.

Full bench upholds "no bullying" finding

A senior public servant has lost his challenge to a Fair Work Commission finding that his department was performance-managing rather than bullying him.

Bullying claim outside jurisdiction: FWC

A volunteer placed in an overseas posting by an Australian organisation has had his bullying application rejected on jurisdictional grounds, with the Fair Work Commission also finding his manager's actions were reasonable.

NSW Labor vows to fill bullying "gap"

NSW Labor will introduce new anti-bullying laws to complement, and possibly enhance, the federal scheme, if it wins Saturday's state election.

FWC outlines key cases in anti-bullying regime

The head of the Fair Work Commission's anti-bullying panel has highlighted the key cases in the new jurisdiction's first year, and revealed that many employers are failing to follow their own internal procedures when dealing with bullying complaints.

Lawyer's bullying case thrown out

A bank's management of an under-performing lawyer fell short of "the best human resources practice" and was not "entirely beyond criticism", but did not constitute bullying under the Fair Work Act, a senior member of the Fair Work Commission has ruled.

FWC revokes anti-bullying order after conflict ends

The Fair Work Commission has revoked its only substantive bullying order, after the worker who complained about her male colleague told the tribunal their workplace conflict was now "negligible".

Open justice trumps suppression order in bullying case

The FWC has again refused to suppress the names of an employer and workers facing allegations of bullying, finding that the principle of open justice meant it shouldn't make confidentiality orders.