Bullying page 1 of 22

215 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Bullying

Opposition probes FWC on alleged internal bully/harass case

Shadow workplace relations minister Michaelia Cash has quizzed FWC general manager Murray Furlong on a "potentially serious" bullying or harassment allegation involving a tribunal member, and has questioned the ability of a former gang member to retain his entry permit while facing criminal charges.

Worker misled FWC about job offer

A FWC member has permitted an anti-bullying hearing to go ahead despite her concerns that the worker and her representative misled the tribunal when they denied that the worker had accepted a job offer.

"Get the coffees" request not discriminatory: FWC

The FWC has backed a global company's HR processes after dismissing a senior employee's claim that she had no option but to resign when an investigation rejected her portrayal of a male colleague asking her to "get the coffees" during a client workshop as s-xual harassment.

"Bullying", "gaslighting" claims defamed me: Professor

The Federal Court has given a media company until next month to change its defence against an article that allegedly carries the defamatory imputation that a university professor created or fostered a toxic workplace culture of bullying and fear.

Safety agency warns on "psychosocial" hazards

The new head of Safe Work Australia has called for better management of "psychosocial" hazards in the workplace on the back of escalating mental health compensation claims.

Palmer ordered to pay $40,000 to worker ousted in mass sacking

A Clive Palmer-owned business must pay a worker almost $40,000 for dismissing him by email along with 125 other employees, claiming he failed to work his hours amid site-wide fraud, theft and dishonesty,, and then asking him to re-apply for his job 20 minutes later.

Procedural fairness failures make harassment sacking unfair

A football club's "deficient" investigation and lack of procedural fairness rendered unfair its sacking of a worker for spreading "false and degrading s-xualised rumours" in the workplace, the FWC has found.

Supervisor given some "latitude" in bullying case

In a decision delving deeply into the statutory definition of bullying, a senior FWC member has observed that allowances should be made for "some degree of exasperation or tension" between managers and those they supervise.

Continuing bullying a "failure of leadership": FWC

Former Toll subsidiary Team Global Express has avoided anti-bullying orders through the resignation of a perpetrator and taking significant measures to remove the risk of further substandard conduct, but the FWC has called on it to address a "failure of local leadership".

CEO's sacking for credit card use no "witch hunt": Court

A court has thrown out claims by a HR consultancy's former chief executive that she experienced relentless bullying, unilateral pay deductions and an excessive workload before her unlawful sacking in 2020 for allegedly misusing a corporate credit card.