Misconduct page 51 of 61

608 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Misconduct

Employer pays for "puzzling" failure to dismiss worker

An accountant suspended and sent on "home leave" for his failure to honour a sale of business transaction and misdirecting company funds will receive seven months' salary because his employer failed to formally dismiss him, the Victorian Supreme Court has found.

FWC provides guidance on drug testing best practice

The Fair Work Commission has emphasised that employers conducting drug tests are not complying with best practice if their managers take samples from employees they directly manage.

Tribunal backs sacking of Coles dope smoker

The FWC has found it reasonable for Coles Group Supply Chain Pty Ltd to dismiss a worker who tested positive to cannabis but claimed to have consumed it outside what he believed to be the "window of detection".

Howard-backed postal worker wins compensation for summary dismissal

A postal worker who was backed by then shadow IR minister John Howard in postal union elections 20 years ago has today won compensation after the FWC ruled that Australia Post made a single "glaring error" when it summarily dismissed him.

Worker loses job after bid to expose "biased" selection process

A public servant who unsuccessfully argued his employer took adverse action against him when it failed to promote him has had his unfair dismissal claim rejected after allegations emerged that he submitted a "dummy" job application to bolster his claims.

Worker sacked for racist, crude, lewd, s-xist remarks wins job back

A truck driver at a coal mine overheard on a two-way radio saying his colleague would "like a good teabagging" and that Muslims were "f--ked up" because of "years of inbreeding" has won his job back after the FWC ruled his dismissal was harsh.

Accused time sheet fraudster fails to win job back; and more

Accused time sheet fraudster fails to win job back; Academic's dismissal for misappropriating funds upheld; Both sides lose bid for legal representation; Truck driver compensated despite near-miss; and Swearing worker failed to comprehend impact of conduct.