Misconduct page 29 of 61

609 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Misconduct

Paramedic's "debasing" comments at hanging justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a paramedic accused of prematurely ending the resuscitation of a teenager who hanged himself, finding she lied to an investigator about her reasons for doing so and made "debasing" statements.

"Time theft" ends tenure of operating theatre cleaners

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a hospital operating theatre cleaner who spent 44% of his working time, excluding breaks, in a tea room, but has scolded the employer for its "faintly ridiculous" arguments against allowing him to "meticuously review" damning CCTV footage.

"Mischief" in bias concern around dope-smoking prison officer

A tribunal has upheld the dismissal of a marijuana-smoking prison officer, while noting the potential for "mischief" in the suggestion that her proclivity could produce an unconscious bias in assessing inmates.

Chief executive's dismissal challenge backfires spectacularly

A court has given a publicly-listed veterinary pharmaceutical company the go-ahead to pursue its former chief executive for a significant portion of more than US$400,000 paid to settle assault and s-x discrimination cases brought by two members of its marketing team.

"Sleazy" Qantas engineer's sacking justified: FWC

The FWC has upheld the sacking of a veteran Qantas engineer who slapped a flight attendant on the bottom and said he caused a mechanical issue so he could ask her out, rejecting his claim assault allegations should have required a higher burden of proof.

"Unsteady" paramedic wins second chance to get job back

A paramedic sacked for allegedly self-medicating with a pain relief drug while on duty will get another chance to push for reinstatement, with Queensland's Industrial Court upholding his challenge to a decision dismissing his application.

Bench quashes compensation for "intentionally deviant" mineworker

An FWC full bench has quashed a decision to compensate an "intentionally deviant" mineworker, finding a tribunal member wrongly focussed on a BHP subsidiary's perceived failure to follow its Fair Play disciplinary guidelines.

Bus driver's sacking over mobile calls "disproportionate": Tribunal

In what a union has hailed as a victory for a commonsense approach to mobile phone use, a tribunal has reinstated a bus driver sacked for making two calls while parked with the doors open and the vehicle's dual braking system engaged.