Misconduct page 22 of 61

610 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Misconduct

FWC loses patience with tenuous unlawful dismissal case

Observing that "you can only 'lead a horse to water' so many times", the FWC has after nearly a year dismissed what it described as a former university employee's largely incompetent unlawful dismissal claim.

Sacking upheld despite HR manager's "inept" process

The FWC has upheld an "inept" dismissal bereft of procedural fairness, finding it unlikely to have altered the result for a worker who swore, abused and tried to pick a fight with colleagues while on a warning.

Employer could not have provided greater procedural fairness: FWC

The FWC has praised the CSIRO's approach to the dismissal of a scientist accused of threatening students he supervised, describing him as a "peddler of false allegations" who sought to characterise almost every interaction with a superior as bullying.

Celebrated charity founder "a big bamboozler": FWC

The FWC has in a book-length decision questioned a former Young Australian Of The Year's wisdom in pursuing an unfair dismissal case that shed light on "potential" fraud committed against the homeless people's charity she founded.

Employer took "kitchen sink" approach to allegations: FWC

The FWC has awarded $8000 compensation to an airport employee who transferred sensitive files from his work computer onto a personal USB, finding the employer took a "kitchen sink" approach to allegations used to justify his summary dismissal.

Tribunal delivers brutal takedown of government agency sacking

In a warning about the myriad ways disciplinary investigations can go wrong, the FWC has rejected virtually every finding a large government agency relied on to sack an experienced rail employee who described his dismissal meeting as a "Pearl Harbour" moment.

Bench upholds dismissal, but corrects member's findings

An FWC senior member who considered a bus driver's submissions on procedural fairness to be "unduly pernickety" wrongly found he was properly notified and had a chance to respond, but a full bench has upheld his sacking.

Dishonesty valid reason for delegate's dismissal

After the FWC reinstated one of two truck driver TWU delegates involved in a punch-up, it has now upheld Toll's dismissal of the second driver because he lied during its investigation – a reason not relied on by the employer.