Misconduct page 20 of 61

610 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Misconduct

Sacked picker compensated after "unfortunate" HR investigation

The FWC has criticised a company's "entirely unjust" process in sacking a long-serving mushroom picker for misplacing a knife, while noting her prior unblemished disciplinary record contrasted strangely with a swathe of warnings following a workplace injury.

Scammed bank manager wins job back

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a bank manager who transferred $37,500 to a fraudster's account in the frenzied early days of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Late appeal rejected despite guard's "saving community" claim

A detention centre guard who tackled an escaping detainee has failed to win permission to appeal his sacking, a FWC bench rejecting his claim that it was in the public interest because he'd saved the community "from a disastrous 'what may have been'".

Partner's "thuggish" texts didn't warrant sacking: FWC

A barrage of "thuggish" texts sent by the partner of a worker alleging harassment and bullying did not justify her dismissal, the FWC has found, describing the employer's attempt to vacuum-seal its investigation of her claims as both unreasonable and unrealistic.

Inappropriate behaviour prompted former organiser's sacking: HSU

The HSU has struck back at a former organiser's age discrimination claim, saying she inappropriately made a secret recording and revealed at a divisional council meeting that she'd call "rape rape rape" if ever left alone with any manager who bullied or intimidated her.

FWC upholds sacking of worker for punch after Yakuza claims

The FWC has upheld the dismissal of a student visa holder who punched a co-worker in the face after accusing him of saying "a lot of bad things" about a colleague she claimed was regularly being sexually assaulted by local Japanese gangsters.

Pizza slice sacking costs Toyota $276K

A loyal former Toyota manager has been awarded $276,681 damages after being sacked in part because his young son ate some "leftover" pizza purchased on his company credit card during a business trip.

Hard to stomach, but BHP worker's sacking not harsh: FWC

BHP did not respond harshly when it dismissed a Thailand-based train driver for making a brief call about a worrying health matter while he travelled slowly along a remote Pilbara line, the FWC has ruled.