Misconduct page 18 of 61

608 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Misconduct

Manager seeking $200K was in cahoots with rival: Ex-employer

A former United Petroleum business sales manager who claims she was sacked for filing a workers' compensation claim and complaining of bullying was in fact ousted for trying to poach its clients and set up a rival business, the fuel retailer alleges.

Bench endorses employer's "commendable" sacking process

A FWC full bench has upheld a finding that a Toll health and safety representative was not entitled to be paid for attending the disciplinary meetings of another HSR, or grabbing a coffee after, and was after a "commendable" process rightfully sacked for falsifying his timesheets.

Drink-driving unrelated to rail operator's job, FWC rules

In an important out-of-hours conduct ruling, the FWC has reinstated a veteran train driver sacked after he told his employer that he faced possible imprisonment for blowing four times over the blood alcohol limit when police breath-tested him on the road.

FWC rejects driver's breathalyser-fail explanation

The FWC has upheld a Qube subsidiary's sacking of a truck driver who blamed a positive blood alcohol reading on sucking on three-quarters of a 10-pack of Anticol cough lozenges to counter a dry throat.

Post-sacking conduct didn't make separation valid: Bench

FWC Deputy President Gerard Boyce has again run afoul of a tribunal bench, which has reminded him that conduct months after a dismissal cannot be considered when deciding whether an employer has a valid reason.

FWC rebuffs CBA bid for external legal representation

The FWC has refused to permit the Commonwealth Bank to bring in external lawyers to help it defend an unrepresented worker's unfair dismissal claim, despite the bank claiming its team of eight in-house employment solicitors are either unavailable or lacking recent experience.

Police officer's sacking for alleged exposure rightly reversed: Court

Victoria Police has lost its bid to sack an officer for "disgraceful conduct" in allegedly exposing himself to a day spa therapist while getting his groin waxed, the State's Court of Appeal this month holding its review board rightly set the dismissal decision aside.

Company car removal after 'roo strike a dismissal: FWC

In a decision exploring when employers can be said to have repudiated employment contracts, the FWC has ruled that a multinational dismissed a worker when it "unilaterally" withdrew his company car without compensation following a collision with a kangaroo.

Second-time-around sacking unfair without fresh evidence: FWC

A government agency has been ordered to reinstate a worker dismissed a year after it attributed a workplace vehicle collision to "human error", the FWC finding it had produced no further evidence to warrant the change of heart.