Misconduct page 17 of 61

610 articles are classified in All Articles > Termination of employment > Misconduct

"Suspicions of foul play" no basis for sacking: FWC

A medical recruiter that sacked a manager over an "under-investigated suspicion" he took confidential information from its database must compensate him after the FWC found it was so focused on building a Supreme Court case it failed to provide procedural fairness.

Hugging teacher fails to win back job

An FWC full bench has today found errors in a ruling that upheld a private school's sacking of a 52-year-old teacher for hugging students and other misdeeds, but has refused to overturn it.

Worker reinstated after employer's "grossly disproportionate" action

The FWC has ordered NSW Trains to reinstate a health and safety representative who told his supervisor to "get f-cked" and said he was trying hard not to punch him in the face, while it has pilloried the employer for adopting a "grossly disproportionate" approach to his outburst after ignoring his concerns.

"Emphatic" rejection of case no basis for costs: Judge

Coles has failed to win more than $25,000 costs sought against an experienced Indian lawyer who unsuccessfully spent almost two years trying to challenge his sacking from one of its supermarkets while qualifying to practice in Australia.

Damages for hurt feelings after "callous" sacking

A tribunal has awarded $3000 for injury to the feelings of a worker who changed careers as a result of her employer's threats when it "callously" dismissed her, then locked her out.

FWC to re-hear case of lawyer sacked for "insubordination"

A criminal lawyer has succeeded in overturning findings that he unfairly sacked a solicitor and practice manager he accused of "insubordination" and "sabotage", a FWC bench ruling that a tribunal member was too dismissive of his explanation for missing a hearing.

Compensation for manager sacked over unwelcome comments

The FWC has ordered compensation for a bottleshop manager held to have asked a customer "would you like a root hehehe receipt", finding his employer had no excuse for its "procedurally disastrous" sacking after accessing an employer organisation's IR advice.

Lecturer wins 'cancel culture' appeal

In a significant ruling on academic free speech, a university lecturer has been given a second chance to challenge his sacking for superimposing a swastika on an Israeli flag after a full Federal Court found insufficient weight had been attached to an agreement's 'intellectual freedom' clause.

Legal fees suck up sacked workers' compensation

The FWC has questioned the choices that left two sacked childcare workers out of pocket despite being awarded compensation of 21 weeks' pay, observing that a "realistic" approach to the employer's settlement offer would have avoided costs that included having a barrister represent them before the tribunal over three days.

Manager's 10% pay cut was a dismissal: FWC

A decision by NSW Trains to discipline a manager by shaving almost 10% off his annual pay constituted a dismissal even though he remains in the job and such action is allowed by its agreement and governing regulations, the FWC has held.