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230 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Sexual harassment

WFH direction for harassment accused breaches deal: FWC

The FWC has acknowledged there is a "high bar" to overturning management decisions but ultimately found that Ambulance Victoria breached its agreement when it directed a paramedic to perform alternative duties from home while it investigated a colleague's s-xual harassment claims against him.

"Get the coffees" request not discriminatory: FWC

The FWC has backed a global company's HR processes after dismissing a senior employee's claim that she had no option but to resign when an investigation rejected her portrayal of a male colleague asking her to "get the coffees" during a client workshop as s-xual harassment.

"Myth" believers have higher propensity to harass: Report

Workers who subscribe to common "sexual harassment myths" are 16 times more likely than others to use digital communications to sexually harass their colleagues, according to a new paper that also suggests that employers had been poorly prepared for related issues arising from the pandemic-driven shift to working from home.

Resignation ends harassment case after "vile" texts

The FWC has declined to make orders in a rare s-xual harassment dispute decision, despite forming a preliminary view that a co-worker sent "vile" and inappropriate texts to a junior employee.

Workplace standards now "even higher": FWC

In a decision warning that workplaces are "on notice" to meet far higher standards of behaviour, the FWC has thrown out the unfair dismissal claim of a veteran Alcoa worker held to have groped a female colleague.

Case underlines need for anti-violence policies: SafeWork NSW

Safework NSW is calling for employers to develop anti-violence policies and procedures to prevent or minimise workplace s-xual harassment and other forms of violence, following a court ordering Marist Youth Care to pay more than $400,000 in fines and costs after its workers experienced "s-xualised and aggressive behaviour".

Blanket NDAs still the norm despite guidelines: Report

Strict non-disclosure clauses remain the default option for s-xual harassment settlements, a year after the publication of Respect@Work Council guidelines for their use, according to a new report that nevertheless outlines model NDA terms.

Payout after ban on speaking to female co-workers

The NSW Police Force has failed to knock out orders to compensate an officer who suffered a psychological injury after it transferred him and banned him from talking to female colleagues without supervision while it investigated s-xual harassment complaints.

Safety agency warns on "psychosocial" hazards

The new head of Safe Work Australia has called for better management of "psychosocial" hazards in the workplace on the back of escalating mental health compensation claims.