Sex/ gender discrimination page 7 of 21

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Gender bias remains key driver of pay gap: WGEA

Gender discrimination continues to be the biggest single driver of a pay gap that is nationally costing women more than $50 billion a year, according to a new report prepared for Diversity Council Australia and the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.

Victoria to limit use of harassment NDAs

Victoria's Andrews Labor Government has today announced it is implementing recommendations from its workplace sexual harassment taskforce, including restricting the use of non-disclosure agreements.

Women earn less than men in every age cohort: WGEA

The WGEA is urging employers to boost part-time workers' access to management roles and implement gender-neutral leave policies, as gender pay gap research shows women make up less than half of the full-time workforce and are out-earned by men at every age.

"Bald" slur was s-xual harassment: UK tribunal

A long-serving employee called a "bald c--t" during an argument with a shift supervisor suffered harassment based on his s-x, a UK tribunal has ruled.

FWC urges Rio to probe s-xual harassment allegation

After a wave of s-xual harassment and assault coming to light at remote mine sites, the FWC has told Rio Tinto it should conduct a "proper" investigation of what appears to be s-xual harassment of a former employee almost five years ago, but has ruled it has no power to make anti-harassment orders because he is no longer working for the resources giant.

Bench clears way for $1M unlawful sacking damages claim

Sydney Water has failed to quash a FWC finding that clears the way for a former employee whose image was used in a suggestive OHS poster to pursue more than $1 million in damages on the basis its botched response forced her to resign.

FWC backs BHP's sacking of breast-grabbing mineworker

In a case that illustrates sexual harassment problems at remote mine sites, the Commission has upheld BHP Billiton's sacking of a service technician after he groped and pursued two young female cleaners, prompting one to leave the "too unsafe to return" worksite.

Discrimination in gender-biased pay arrangements: Court

Victoria's Supreme Court has ruled that an employer might have treated a manager unfavourably because of her age and sex when it ignored her repeated requests to provide her similar over-agreement pay rates to those afforded to male colleagues, while it has also found that the State's equal opportunity laws enable consideration of "unconscious bias".