Sex/ gender discrimination page 21 of 22

211 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Sex/ gender discrimination

$900,000 indemnity costs order against academic

A former university academic who unsuccessfully claimed she had been sexually harassed by two colleagues has been ordered to pay a $900,000 indemnity costs bill after the Federal Court found she rejected a "generous" settlement offer despite legal advice that she was unlikely to succeed.

Unions seeking 2% extra super contribution for women

The ACTU’s Congress has today called for women to receive an extra 2% employer superannuation contribution to make up for their lower retirement balances in comparison to men.

Exemption seeks to help women lawyers to reach Bar

An exemption to permit South Australia's courts to engage women-only in a "positive discrimination" program is being touted as an important step to address a substantial gender imbalance spotlighted a year ago by a Law Council study.

Court rejects "fanciful" sexual harassment claim

The Federal Court has thrown out a Monash University academic's sex discrimination claim, based on more than 50 alleged incidents over five years of employment, finding that she subjectively reconstructed "innocent events" after failing to fulfil her professional ambitions.

Coalition defers Labor’s gender reporting changes

Gender reporting requirements for businesses with more than 100 employees will stay as they are for another year, while new minimum reporting standards will apply to non-government employers with more than 500 employees from October, Employment Minister Eric Abetz has announced.

Abetz asks FWC equal pay bench to focus on legislative "text"

The Federal Government is urging the Fair Work Commission not to be "distracted by" the former Labor Government's broader pay equity principles when assessing an equal remuneration application for childcare workers.