Direct discrimination page 1 of 4

34 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Direct discrimination

Tribunal rejects lawyer's pregnancy discrimination appeal

An employer did not discriminate against a lawyer when it twice declined to roll over short, fixed-term contracts that would have entitled her to paid maternity leave, an appeal panel has found.

Large disability bias payout for "excluded" teacher

A tribunal has awarded $236,000 in damages, plus potential further lost earnings and interest, to a long-serving language teacher who developed a psychological injury when his employer "excluded" him from the workplace for two years after he suffered a debilitating spinal stroke.

$20K for 68yo accountant "treated as expendable"

A global shipping company found guilty of age discrimination has been ordered to pay its former long-serving chief accountant $20,000 after a court accepted he was "affronted" by efforts to ensure he retired on turning 70.

Lessons for all employers in ambulance service report, says VEOHRC

The head of Victoria's Equal Opportunity & Human Rights Commission has urged all employers to heed the insights gained from the agency's year-long review of the State's ambulance service, which confirmed a workplace culture of "everyday" disrespect and sexism and recommends establishing an internal 'equality and reform' team.

Worker to re-plead $2.5M "skin colour" discrimination case

The Federal Court has given a self-represented worker a chance re-plead a race discrimination case against CIMIC Group subsidiary UGL after painstaking analysis of his "discursive" statements of claim led to the bulk being struck out or summarily dismissed.

Alleged "black sheep" comment not race-based: Tribunal

A WA housing officer of Mauritian descent has had her discrimination case thrown out after a tribunal held that a colleague accused of calling her a "black sheep" would have been using the the expression in its "colloquial sense" if it was said at all.

I wouldn't be facing sack if female: Manager

A Viva Energy manager who claims a female colleague sexually harassed him after he took her back to his hotel room while she was intoxicated is accusing his employer of discriminating against him, as it would not consider sacking him if he was a woman.

Tribunal refuses to extend helping hand to sacked worker

A worker sacked after allegedly masturbating at work when he claimed he was scratching a persistent rash between his pubic bone and belly button has failed to establish that his employer discriminated against him on the basis of an impairment.