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297 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Case law

UK employer failed to make reasonable changes for migraine sufferer

A UK employment tribunal has found that an employer unfairly dismissed a nurse for using too much sick leave and discriminated against her by failing to make reasonable adjustments to accomodate her disabilities, which included migraine headaches.

Flexibility bid driven by antipathy to virus jab: FWC

The FWC has observed that a Victorian worker's application to work full-time from home under flexible work arrangements was largely motivated by her opposition to COVID-19 vaccinations, in upholding her employer's refusal of her request.

"Bald" slur was s-xual harassment: UK tribunal

A long-serving employee called a "bald c--t" during an argument with a shift supervisor suffered harassment based on his s-x, a UK tribunal has ruled.

FWC urges Rio to probe s-xual harassment allegation

After a wave of s-xual harassment and assault coming to light at remote mine sites, the FWC has told Rio Tinto it should conduct a "proper" investigation of what appears to be s-xual harassment of a former employee almost five years ago, but has ruled it has no power to make anti-harassment orders because he is no longer working for the resources giant.

Tribunal backs finding that casino acted against union delegate

Casino Canberra has failed to knock out orders to pay damages for discriminating against a union delegate who spoke to media or legal costs after a tribunal found its in-house lawyer had trouble separating his roles as its legal representative and sole witness.

Discrimination in gender-biased pay arrangements: Court

Victoria's Supreme Court has ruled that an employer might have treated a manager unfavourably because of her age and sex when it ignored her repeated requests to provide her similar over-agreement pay rates to those afforded to male colleagues, while it has also found that the State's equal opportunity laws enable consideration of "unconscious bias".

$150,000 in damages after s-xual harassment, assault

A tribunal has awarded a s-xually harassed and assaulted beauty therapist $150,000 in general damages, equal to $70 per day for the six years she has suffered and will likely continue to suffer the effects of the conduct.

FWC reinstates Qantas trainer accused of staring at breasts

The FWC has ordered Qantas to reinstate a trainer accused of inappropriately staring at a female employee's breasts during a "distinguishably lewd" safety demonstration, while taking aim at a "ludicrous" video it used to demonstrate s-xual harassment.

Unvaxxed Telstra workers launch class action

As Telstra becomes the latest to face a class action on behalf of employees refusing to comply with COVID-19 vaccination policies, more than a 100 mainly healthcare, education and construction workers are discontinuing their challenge to Victoria's vaccine mandate.