Case law page 5 of 30

297 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Case law

Stressed worker's resignation should have been questioned: FWC

One of the world's largest gold mining companies should have taken a worker's stress levels into account before accepting a resignation prompted by an allergic reaction to eating a cake's icing, the FWC has found.

"Innocuous" questions could be discriminatory: Tribunal

A UK tribunal has found that a job interviewer asked seven questions that could be "reasonable and entirely innocuous" individually, but cumulatively could constitute racial discrimination.

"Disturbing lack of candour" in pilot's anti-vax case: Judge

A Federal Court judge has noted a pilot's "disturbing lack of candour" in whittling back the challenge of eight former Virgin and Jetstar employees to their dismissals for failing to comply with COVID-19 vaccination policies.

Ex-PM unveils statue of equal pay activist Zelda D'Aprano

Former Prime Minister Julia Gillard has unveiled a statue commemorating the landmark 1969 equal pay protest by trade union activist and feminist Zelda D'Aprano, who chained herself to the door of the Commonwealth building in Melbourne.

"Australia's unluckiest job applicant" loses another case

A tribunal member has thrown out a lawyer's discrimination case, accusing him of becoming a "serial pest" after he filed multiple discrimination claims against employers for failing to hire him, including a recent matter in which he claimed "very attractive and beautiful" interviewers humiliated him.