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298 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Case law

Worker wins more time to contest "harassment" sacking

The FWC will consider the late unfair dismissal claim of a worker who believes his employer sacked him for alleged sexual harassment, after receiving evidence that five law firms rejected his case on one day alone.

Red union president facing sack after appeal fails

The president of a nursing "red union" faces the sack from her hospital job after failing to persuade an appeal court that unauthorised media comments fell under protected industrial activity.

"Deeply flawed" process after harassment claim: FWC

The FWC has ordered the reinstatement of a dump truck driver dismissed after a "deeply flawed" investigation into allegations he exposed a female trainee to explicit images while passing around his phone.

Worker fails to prove "greedy Indian" insults occurred: Court

A judge has thrown out a Bing Lee worker's race and sex discrimination case, saying it demonstrates "the perils of litigating hurt feelings", after she embellished events "which stem predominantly from unremarkable, collegiate 'small talk', and petty workplace disagreements to cast them in a more nefarious light".

"Prolific litigator" owes employer $44,000 for "shake down": Tribunal

"Australia's unluckiest job applicant" has been ordered to pay a labour hire company indemnity costs of $44,000 for a "time-wasting" failed discrimination case, in which he sought $115,000 in compensation and refused an early $5000 settlement offer.

Court pares Qantas pilot's discrimination, harassment case

A female Qantas pilot suing the airline for alleged gender discrimination and s-xual harassment must re-plead her case after a court found her claim that the workplace was "hostile to women" to be "unsatisfactorily imprecise".

Alleged forced resignation discriminatory: Lobbyist

Scott Morrison's former policy director has been given extra time to pursue an adverse action case alleging discrimination against one of Australia's best-connected lobbying firms, which claims he resigned after it denied him a stake in the business.

Blank form a valid application: Tribunal

In a significant decision on what constitutes a valid application, the FWC has allowed a general protections claim to proceed despite the worker submitting a blank form.