Case law page 28 of 30

297 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Case law

Employer ordered to reinstate worker after adverse action

A union delegate will be reinstated after the Federal Court ruled that his employer engaged in adverse action when it targeted him for retrenchment and failed to genuinely consult with the union and employees or adhere to the agreement's redundancy provisions.

Lecturer fails to add four academics to discrimination claim

A legally-qualified former lecturer who claims she was psychologically-injured by alleged sex and pregnancy discrimination at a sandstone university has failed in a bid to join four academics as respondents to her case.

No repetition means "lackey" employee not bullied, says FWC

The FWC has found that an employee, who was described as a "lackey" and had his appearance likened to a "dwarf" by colleagues was subjected to incidents of unreasonable behaviour in the workplace, but was not bullied because the behaviour was not "repetitious".

S-xually-harassing employer likened worker to un-drivable supercar

A tribunal has found a male post office manager repeatedly s-xually harassed a female employee physically, verbally and via SMS, notes and a Valentine's Day card, before likening her to a Lamborghini sitting in a garage that he no longer wanted if he couldn't drive it.

Employer took adverse action with take-it-or-leave-it demand

The Federal Circuit Court has found a newspaper publisher took adverse action when it forced a full-time journalist to sign a take-it-or-leave it statement reducing him to two days a week - with unspecified entitlements to be paid in instalments - and sacked him when he complained.

$900,000 indemnity costs order against academic

A former university academic who unsuccessfully claimed she had been sexually harassed by two colleagues has been ordered to pay a $900,000 indemnity costs bill after the Federal Court found she rejected a "generous" settlement offer despite legal advice that she was unlikely to succeed.

No anti-bullying order after employer reforms behaviour

The FWC has declined to make an order against a radiology company found to have bullied an employee, saying its recent "careful attention to procedural fairness" made it unlikely its conduct would continue.