Case law page 19 of 30

297 articles are classified in All Articles > Discrimination and equity > Case law

Suggestive poster discriminated against female worker: Tribunal

A tribunal has held that Sydney Water sexually harassed and discriminated against an employee when her photo was displayed on a workplace health and safety poster, for which she unwittingly posed, beneath the slogan "Feel great - lubricate!".

Complainant rails against bid to stop "excessive communications"

A doctor has failed to establish in an interlocutory claim that a federal agency was motivated by "ill intent" in dealing with her critical social media posts or complaints about its handling of her mental health condition.

Builder penalised for spurning non-union contractor

A construction company's refusal to to engage a non-union subcontractor at the CFMMEU's behest has now cost it $275,000 in penalties and compensation, with the Federal Circuit Court noting such conduct "has the potential to perpetuate a culture of submission".

Male safety manager says Bluescope gender-biased

Bluescope Steel's former OHS manager is suing the company over its decision to appoint a female health and safety vice president, alleging it took discriminatory adverse action by refusing him the position because of his gender.

"Bad look" pregnant worker wins compensation

A bottle shop attendant told by her manager that she would not be able to work in a bar while pregnant because it was "a bad look" has been awarded almost $40,000 in compensation and penalties, a court finding there was "no doubt" the employer breached adverse action provisions.

Blind worker settles wage-calculation challenge

A disability employment services provider has reached an undisclosed settlement with a legally-blind worker in the Federal Court after he challenged the fairness of an assessment tool used to set his wage.

Exclusion from Christmas cheer "not bullying": FWC

The FWC has refused to issue an interim anti-bullying order against an employer that excluded a cleaner from a workplace Christmas celebration and refused to give her leave on Australia Day, but has criticised its "poor and clumsy" handling of the worker's complaints.

Worker complaining of daily harassment allowed to change claim

On the first day of a fortnight-long hearing into claims by a former Inghams worker that his colleagues subjected him to serious ongoing sexual harassment at a Brisbane chicken plant, the Federal Court has allowed him to amend complaints only where they align with earlier allegations.

Secret audio rejected in bullying case

An employee found to have made some "false" allegations has been denied the chance to use secret recordings of a meeting as evidence in a bullying case that is to be heard today by the FWC.